Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hello again, gentle farawaysomewhereelse anonymous friend. How long has it been...?

Long, that's how long. Too long. Too long since I had to reset my password to get this old thing up and running again. Too long since you stood, or sat, or reclined... leaned possibly... looking at your electronic device of some sort, reading my words, eagerly following my adventures, or possibly wondering how you got here, who I am and why this is happening to you. But it has happened... so it would appear that I am once again in some part of the world that I am not usually in, or at least have not been in for some time, and also that it is somewhere where I am going to feel the need to record some of the thoughts in my head, sights in my eyes and sounds in my ears, etc, for posterity. You have found yourself somehow along for the ride, so reap the whirlwind and read along if you are so inclined, bearing in mind I make no claims to be entertaining. Or, for that matter, interesting. It will probably be better than most of the other things on any of your screens, but let's be honest, that is not saying much.