Thursday, October 30, 2008

My word...

... people are actually reading this already... yes, major big ups to the tech support, better than any I could have actually paid for!! I am now a legendary haxer!! And yes, musical references are specifically included to annoy certain people... you know who you are...

Hey, whaddayaknow..

Comments are now mysteriously working... how timely...

Last day working...

... Joy... but so much to do... leaving the world behind for any period of times is not without its issues. Certainly I have done it in much more dramatic style in the past, but even so there is always something a little bit unsettling about it... a feeling of stepping out of your life for a while, and the realisation that everything else carries on without you. Interesting but best not dwelled on too much.

Music in the headphones just now is Kings Of Leon... not too obscure today... talented lads though, and pleasingly original and different for a band who have done well in the mass media. Having said that, think it is time for a change. Will go for The Kills instead (not to be confused with The Killers). A bit more into the 'different' side... very much like Garbage actually.

So... today will be the day that I send out the link to this blog and await the mockery and scorn of everyone who opens it... I have been playing around with the format not thinking about the fact my screen is set to 1280x1024, so hope it doesn't look too bad on yours... if it does, switch your display to 1280x1024 and BUY GLASSES.

Since you will all be reading this I should probably talk about something rather less boring huh..? I am guessing 90% of you will get tired of my rambling and give up reading this soon if you haven't already. I don't like 90% of you anyway... I will wait a week or two before I start talking about what I REALLY think of you all...

To summarise the state of actual travel-related things -
  • camera shop managers who promise to "get things in by the middle of next week" and then refuse to price-match the shop next door who has the item IN STOCK are dicks... nice guys, you NEARLY scored yourselves a loyal customer
  • most travel gear is a ripoff... I can't believe the rubbish people buy AND carry
  • internet accommodation booking is painful. I possibly have a room booked for my first night in Singapore...

That's all I can think of for now... better carry on sorting...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This time next week...

... as people love to keep reminding me.

The weather on my route looks be be pretty damp at the moment, with most places in the middle of or just coming out of the monsoon. The timing is not totally random, I am hoping to get there for the end of the rains, before the tourist season kicks off. The heat should not be too bad and the end of the monsoon means everything will be fresh and green, and with a bit of luck the more touristy places I am passing through may be a bit quieter. The thought of daily rubbing shoulders with dozens of other meandering tourist types makes my skin crawl... While it is obviously unavoidable in the typical tourist-trap type places, I am really hoping my entire route will not be littered with intrepid gaggles of braindead over-tanned westerners clutching Lonely Planet guidebooks and backpacks larger than they are, or sweaty sun visor-wearing mom-and-pop tour groups hauling their flabby pasty carcasses from one market stall to the next, loudly pointing out the completely obvious and recoiling in horror from anything unfamiliar.

The weather combined with the current troubles in some areas will make it interesting to see how many tourists are actually around, but hopefully it is still late enough in the year that roads will be passable and floods will have eased etc.

For now the bulk of my buying of things is done, I have a new camera backpack and now I am trying to decide if it is in fact too big and impractical, but the fact is I am going to need a daypack for the times I am not carrying my large pack, and it is also rainproof which is essential for making sure my camera survives - so at the end of the day I am probably just going to have to deal with it. If anything it is not the fact that it will all be heavy because I am really not taking a lot with me, it is just going to be a bit cumbersome, but then I have carried two packs in the past so it shouldn't be too bad.

I guess one of the key things when picturing my preparations is the fact that I am not doing the typical "overload your backpack as much as possible with clothes and junk, land at the airport and set off for the nearest backpackers hostel or motel" that 95% of people do. I am essentially taking as little as possible while still trying to ensure I have what I need. A pack is not something you use to haul gear from point A to point B, it is something you live out of... "Your pack is your house"

I have to say I hate the fact that because I have had to buy new gear for this trip I am going to look like a total travel virgin. I should really take my packs out and roll around in the mud with them for a while...

Anyway... I am going to put my headphones on and try to get through this week sane. Speaking of sane, I just reminded myself I need to start taking my Doxycycline, fingers crossed I am still immune to some of the side effects I have seen in others, haha.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Long, slow goodbye...

Actually that is what I will be avoiding... great song though... (yes, obscure musical references will be ongoing until you are all converted)

Believe it or not I forgot about this blog completely until just now, such has been my week. Oh well. Anyway, clock is counting down, things still to do... More $$ spent this week, camera gear, ultralight sleeping bag, camera pack, etc etc. Visa for China picked up - Travel tip #529, do NOT try to pick up a visa from the Chinese Consulate while rushing to catch a flight to somewhere else...

Off to see the family this weekend, something I never do often enough. Possibly some fishing involved, something we do even less often.

Speaking of musical references, the quote "Dedicated to those who burned.." is Saul Williams, he is genius. The quote which is currently on my 'about me' section, "Hold your heart..." is from a track called 'Province' by TV On The Radio, also genius... And the web address "City Lights Fading" is from 'Crooked' by Evil9 feat. the genius Aesop Rock... as some of you know, once you hear that song, it will be stuck for a while. I am aware there is a punk/straightedge band called City Lights Fade, but I have never heard them and as such don't endorse their music...

Now that we have answered those questions, which I know have been troubling you...

I keep having to explain my trip at length to people... you know it really doesn't seem that complicated to me... I keep telling them that I am hoping to get off a plane in Singapore and hopefully getting back on to one in Hong Kong six weeks later, but when they ask any other questions and I respond "I don't know", they look all confused and concerned... Sorry but that's about it really...

I must say a great thanks to my doctor for her vote of confidence, when debating whether to give me a rabies shot or not, she concluded "No, I don't think we will bother, the way you travel you are more likely to get stabbed to death in your sleep than catch rabies..." although she did qualify that by saying "..but then I don't think anyone would be keen to try that on you anyway, so let's just say probably neither is likely to happen"... I did end up getting a couple of jabs just to make sure all my immunities are topped up, and an armload of pills to carry with me, along with a refresher on how to self-diagnose in order to self-medicate before I expire from something before I can get proper treatment.

Hmm, yes, for those who pointed it out, I am aware of the travel advisories for the areas I am going to, thanks.

Better go and brave long-weekend traffic, probably the most dangerous thing I will do all year...

Monday, October 20, 2008

And so it begins...

Well, more or less... this blog is for use in my various travels and for whatever else I feel the need to rant about and/or share... That said, once on the road I have little or no idea where I will be and when, so I don't know what opportunities I will have to write anything particularly interesting, thus this is mostly just so I can say hello if and when I get the chance.

I apologise now for spelling, grammar etc, as I have a habit of trying to write as quickly as I think and there will be little in the way of editing and structure...

Comments are welcome and I look forward to reading them, but please watch the language etc... and due to my fundamental mistrust of all things interweb-related, please don't make too many specific references to things back home etc. Some comments may be edited/withheld, don't be offended, I have my reasons.

While sitting down every so often to write a blog in some ways goes against the spirit of my trip, the fact is there are places with internet facilities from Timaru to Mogadishu these days (well ok, I think they have internet in Timaru) and some sort of record of my progress will be good to have. I am new to this whole bloggery business anyway and I don't really know if I will write anything worth taking the time to read, so I don't even know if this will ever see the light of day.

I am today two weeks away from my Asia trip, a ramble around various countries with little in the way of plans or direction... The intent is a cross-country journey from Singapore to Hong Kong and hopefully further on into China if time allows. But there are other things to worry about first so for now, that's all there is folks.