Monday, October 20, 2008

And so it begins...

Well, more or less... this blog is for use in my various travels and for whatever else I feel the need to rant about and/or share... That said, once on the road I have little or no idea where I will be and when, so I don't know what opportunities I will have to write anything particularly interesting, thus this is mostly just so I can say hello if and when I get the chance.

I apologise now for spelling, grammar etc, as I have a habit of trying to write as quickly as I think and there will be little in the way of editing and structure...

Comments are welcome and I look forward to reading them, but please watch the language etc... and due to my fundamental mistrust of all things interweb-related, please don't make too many specific references to things back home etc. Some comments may be edited/withheld, don't be offended, I have my reasons.

While sitting down every so often to write a blog in some ways goes against the spirit of my trip, the fact is there are places with internet facilities from Timaru to Mogadishu these days (well ok, I think they have internet in Timaru) and some sort of record of my progress will be good to have. I am new to this whole bloggery business anyway and I don't really know if I will write anything worth taking the time to read, so I don't even know if this will ever see the light of day.

I am today two weeks away from my Asia trip, a ramble around various countries with little in the way of plans or direction... The intent is a cross-country journey from Singapore to Hong Kong and hopefully further on into China if time allows. But there are other things to worry about first so for now, that's all there is folks.