Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hoi An... extra day...

So after all the effort to get in and out I figured it only made sense to stay another night, the hotel staff were kind enough to advise to go into the computer room and book online as it is cheaper than the rate they can offer (something to do with local tax I am guessing... good to know...) so got another cheap-ish night off Agoda.com or whatever it is... not that I endorse any particular companies but it really does pay to shop around a lot.

Sadly due to issues with every computer I seem to come across this time around I can't actually access my own blog (apart from through writing updates) and uploading anything like pictures seems hopeless, but you can jump online and see Hoi An beach which we found via bicycle this morning... stunning spot, although somewhat over-policed by nazi hotel guards who chase non-guests away from "their" part of the beach. Still, had an awesome swim in water thankfully cooler than any hotel pools so far. The burning heat is just going out of the day again as the thunderclouds start to build in the hills to the north, looking forward to another awesome thunder and lightning show tonight, hopefully our 'two for $1.20' ponchoes bought from an old vender lady during the monsoon the other night will protect us again.

I am somewhat parched so I may have to head to the bar before another trip into town, although I have to say I am just about getting sick of the local beers, many of which are bearable but none of which are good... but cheaper than the 'fancy' foreign stuff!!... also have to think about arranging a car to Da Nang airport tomorrow which should be entertaining... catch yous later!

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