Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another day in Bali, or several

Hey team, thought I would say hi and send word on the distinct lack of activity currently underway here... which is just what the doctor ordered after the last few weeks... It's night three at Karma Jimbaran and most of the crew have headed for bed after a shared bad movie night around the big TV in the poolhouse/lounge, which is the first TV watching we have done in a while.

Our hosts are fairly tuckered out in the aftermath of their wedding and all the months of organising, arranging, sorting friends and family from around the world and entertaining us all for the last few days. Of all the wedding group that came to Bali it is now down to Evie, Lala and I who are spending the last couple of nights in the villa with Nick and Mags before they head home. Only four sleeps until we are heading home ourselves... scary thought...

Bali is not at all bad, although it's probably not surprising I would say that given the amazing cliff-top surroundings we are staying in... We have only really seen the southern end of the place though and sadly will not have a lot of time to look around before our holiday is over, but the less touristy parts to the north are supposed to be great value. We will just have to make do with villa, pool, beach and shops... and of course sunshine, lots of sunshine... As a tourist trap it certainly fits the bill but I think the true Bali will be well away from the beach lifestyles, surf shops, fast foods (and Australians) around these parts.

I have heard the weather at home is still less than awesome, if someone can do something about that before we get back that would be most appreciated... get the beers chilling though, not long to go.

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