Thursday, May 1, 2014

Procrasination... Down to San Fran

I am pretty sure a lot of things annoyed me that I was going to rant about this time around, but I am a bit weary now...

Yesterday was Tuesday, I don't remember what happened... Oh wait yes I do... I think I left you at Philly  Cheesesteak... Who was doubting the awesomeness of cheesesteak a while ago?? You know who you are... Shame... 

I just went to download photos off my camera and for a minute I thought I had formatted my card this morning without getting the photos off it... That would be not a good thing. I spent an entire day in Ottowa once taking amazing photos and ran out of memory cards and went into a camera place to get a card downloaded to disc so I could keep shooting,... When I got back home I found they had screwed up the download and I had lost the lot, somewhat traumatic given they would have been incredible,,, sunset over the river, first flakes of snow falling... The only time I have ever been anywhere when the first snow of winter fell... Actually the first flake of winter hit me in the eye, just came plummeting out of the sky and hit me straight in the right eyeball... Didn't know what it was, thought I had been blinded then realised whatever it was magically disappeared... Confusing... Anyway... That's not even this trip... 

Tuesday we did the quick trip into Sacramento and found the old town nice and easy. Being a weekdays morning we even parked on the street at a meter with no issues.. Loving it. Old Sacramento is a bit of a re-creation village with restored historic buildings and a train station along with heaps of tourist trap souvenir shops, cafés etc. We bee-lined straight to the California Raliway Museum to indulge our passion for heavy metal. Needless to say it was cool, while all the old, early steam engines that tamed the west are nice and all...


 for me it is pretty hard to beat something from a slightly later steam period, the oil burners... This little beauty weighs more than two jumbo jets...


Which is awesome but THIS wee darling... (Look at her... Isn't she adorable?)


Weighs more than EIGHT jumbo jets... Yep... What a cutey...


If I had a garage big enough...

Anyway, we spent a while after that looking at the rest of the historic stuff around the place, and by the time we were done and and had had as quick drive around the city (green, nice) time was getting on and we headed towards San Fran. Not knowing earlier if we were heading there direct or not, I had not done any accommodation research, which is not necessary in smaller places but can be advisable in big cities... So we ended up driving around a fair bit with not much luck, before I headed over the hill to Pacifica and pulled us in to a McDonald's to grab some wifi. Searching with little joy while we ate tea, I finally miraculously somehow found a place in Daly City which was reasonable, had vacancies, and even more amazingly was on the city rail route to downtown... I booked it on the spot and we headed over, and sure enough it was nice (enough)... Almost too good to be true.. If we don't get murdered in our sleep I will probably recommend it, because it is flipping hard to find cheap accom in SF that also has good public transport to the important places nearby... 

I am sure there were several other things I was going to rant about from yesterday, the benefit to you of me writing everything a day later is I have forgotten half the things that were grinding my gears then because other things have annoyed me today... Which I will mostly forget by tomorrow. So count your blessings, unless I remember anything else tonight, this might be all you get...

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