Monday, December 8, 2008

Another night in HK...

And another do to go to...

Just killing some time, off to another do tonight with my host, but first he is off playing Santa at his work's kids Christmas party, haha. Later we are going to some flash restaurant's first birthday do across the harbour, free booze and gourmet food apparently... HK is always on the go all year round and if you are in the right social circles (and/or job) then there is just party after event after function after show, every night of the week...

A few more days here and then north again to see some more of the big place over the border. The days are ticking down now and it is hard to believe soon it will all be over. But I am definitely looking forward to a lot of just doing nothing. And seeing everyone back there of course. And a nice NZ summer. And the food. Still no joy on the Christmas shopping I am afraid, HK is more the Gucci and Armani and LV and Rolex shopping kind of place than the "nicknacks for the folks at home" kind of place... And I mean the real stuff not the fake stuff. And no, none of you are getting the real stuff for Christmas. Unless you send cash now. I am lucky I have friends in the right places or there is no way I could even afford to stay on this little island...

Anyway kids I have a ferry to catch, preceded by a subway train... Not long to go til I can bore you with days and days of average photos and endless stories... trust me what you get to read on here is only the general overview.

Take care all

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