Monday, December 8, 2008

Some more while I have some free time...

I have thousands of photos and haven't even begun to go through them so these are just some randoms I have come across..

Singa zoo

Sunset Singa/Malay Causeway
Taken from the train through dirty window, shame I couldn't get out for a better one

No idea why, just liked the building
Photo is rubbish though

View from the bathroom, Malacca

I have a lot of photos of monkeys. I love the expression on this little guy, it's priceless

Caves near KL

Moto taxi, Chumphon

Hellfire Pass

Not a very good shot but kind of random backlit by the flash of another camera. Muay Thai, Bangkok

View from the Camry taxi, road to Siem Reap

Not a job I envy... Saigon

Saigon again

HK this evening


Lobbie said...

Ahhh...I like the ones with pictures...too many words make my brain pretty

Lobbie said...

Do you think the monkey is seeking guidance from above? Maybe he's praying?... "Dear Lord, please guide my poo, have it fly straight and true towards its intended target: the stubbly face of the smelly tourist taking my picture. Amen"

Anonymous said...

I think the lizard in the first photo is trying to staunch you out Ry.

Hope you didn't back down!