Friday, September 26, 2014

And then places southward

From then gentle children our party migrated places south... Once again enjoying the English road system for all its joys and curses. On the bright side they don't really abide by any speed limits when there are ample lanes for everyone... On the downside, if you, perhaps, for instance, come across a guy towing a full sized yacht, with full keel and all, down a two way country road, you may be looking at the back of him for quite some time. And such it was on the trip to Falmouth.

 We drove Wales to Falmouth via an outlet mall, where I was hoping to find some shoes and a couple of other bits, which didn't work out at all in the end. As always, I proved myself crap at shopping and quickly lost interest In anything I was actually supposed to be looking for. What we did find is that the Welsh have adapted to outlet malls in a similar fashion to our American friends, in that they have learned to flock there to share obesity and bad food in some sort of retail context. Nobody seems to buy anything from any of the shops, but the foodcourt does great business. We did however invest in a cheap wheelie suitcase following the demise of our previous wheelie bag, which turned into some sort of perverse science experiment in London when we suffered a wheel issue on arrival, but I persevered to drag it heavily laden across more than a few kilometers of asphalt from train to hotel to train to other places. The result was, inevitably, terminal failure -

I did in the end stop dragging it when it threatened to catch fire

From the mall we drove, and drove some more. Eventually we made it to the deep dark south of the whole place, and I have to say Falmouth is quite pretty, as a local who knows commented, it is probably closest in climate and such to home. I would have liked go have gone all the way south, time permitting, there is something I find very satisfying in reaching the furtherest extent of wherever I am... but we came pretty close. A lot of people get to the UK and then don't get that far down, but it is well worth a look. 


It is, I think, a very pretty spot, with a lot of history going for it. Plus it has beaches, and, apparently, surf, sometimes, as does Wales. Not on a sunny, calm and clear couple of days like we had through. But no complaints.


Indeed before long we were out for another swim and a bit of lying around on the beach, once again not the weather advertised before we turned up... Along the way we checked out the famous docks and a couple of forts here and there, all par for the course in your average English holiday spot. We also ate Cornish pasties and had cream tea, ensuring I took part in the full cultural experience. As such a couple more blissfully chilled days with nothin in particular to rant about.. But fear not, more of that to come also. Signing off on a rather relaxed note. Hope you are all enjoying sun and beaches also!

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