Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Countless Unnamed - Refusing to post photos of my dinner since 1963

So we are now on to the 14th, which I am going to say broke clear and warm, because I think it did... Yes, I just looked at the photos, and it did indeed. Today was something different with a bus ride (double decker even) out to see some of the more local of local sights. In the company of two lovely young ladies acting as my guides (my life is so hard sometimes) we made our way across town, first to the Columbia Road flower market for a slice of life as it has gone on for eons in East London. We made our way through the throngs of people down a lane packed both sides with flower stalls, as multiple generations of vendors loudly touted all manner of flowers and greenery as well as generally commentating on everything going on around them - "GET yer arctic white ORchids! Two stem for a fiver! That's right love you won't see better 'an these ones anywhere... No no don't go lookin down there further..." (elderly Asian gentleman walks past pushing his grandson's little bicycle) "Ey mate, got yerself some new wheels 'av ya? Looks a bit small for ya... Get that for yer birthday did ya? Go on, let's see ya ride it! Go on!! Ey... Yeah you! Bit shy are ya?... Ere Reg, look ere what this fella got fer 'is birthday... E don't wanna spoil it so e's pushing it home..."



Also along the sides were a bunch of antiques places and some trendy retro and curio shops, always good for a bit of a browse...


From there we wandered through the neighbourhoods, many formerly shady but gradually being gentrified like so many places in the world, partially by the terminal infestation of hipsters that also infects London, looking for 'edgy' and 'alternative' places to live and, therefore, ruin with rubbish coffee shops and places that specialise in skinny jeans and beard grooming accessories. 

Next we ended up at the sprawling markets in the Brick Lane and Spitalfields area, a cultural melting pot of international food and hipsters and punks and dodgy types selling 'off the back of truck' bits and bobs (Ere mate, you need a Sky remote and a box of shampoo? How about a modem or an Xbox?) and stalls full of original art and clothes and retro items aplenty. 



Here amongst other things I found a truly superb lunch of aged beef and truffle oiled onions from a couple of guys in a little van calling themselves Sub Cult... The sort of thing we need a franchise of at home. Amongst the other vendors there was everything from Sengalese to Ethiopian food, didn't see any Nepalese though sadly, haven't had good Nepalese since over a decade ago!

After the markets it was over to Soho for a wander around and a pint to recuperate then over to see the Queen's house and those of various other royals, obviously none of whom had heard I was in town as they didn't come out to say hello.



On the way back through the park we almost had a repeat of the Cambodian monkey riot incident when I was once again very nearly savaged by vicious and out of control local predators...

Oh no!!! Shhhhh!!! We've walked straight into one!!! shhh!! Maybe he won't notice...

Stay very still... Oh s*** he's seen us!!!

Ok... Ok... He looks mad... Don't panic... Just back away... Oh crap he's not happy...

He is probably more afraid of us than we are of... OH #%£€}+}¥}% HERE HE COMES!! RUN!!! RUNNNNN!!!!!  AIEEEE!!!

Ok so not quiet that bad. In fact I do like the squizzels, they are funny

Fun fact - in parts of England they still refer to squirrels by their original name, which is 'Nut Mongkey'

After those shenannagins it was back to the south bank, where it was Mexican for tea at a very decent place called Wahaca which is apparently a chain over in these parts. On the way we saw these chaps from the Royal Tank Regiment, looking noble and glorious, although possibly a little bit too clean and well fed (which is more typical of tankies) 


Thus ended that day...

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