Friday, October 12, 2012

I know you are hanging out for...

... more music!! Don't lie, you totally are!! I haven't forgotten... Haven't had a music rant in a while...

Just listening to this and had to post (repost?) it... We all know I think Scout Niblett is adorable, so here she is again in one of my favourite soppy songs ever (and it's not often you hear me say that) with another one of my favourite musicians, indie folk/alt country legend William Oldham (aka Bonnie 'Prince' Billy)... just an amazing song and makes me smile every single time. Should be listened to loud!!

'Kiss' - Scout Niblett w. Will Oldham

You may also recognise Will as comedian Zach Galifianakis's friend in this epic music video they made for Kanye West... the story goes Kanye decided it would be good for business to get Zach to make a rap video for him, and when he contacted him, Galifianakis was just hanging out on his farm with Will and they decided to get some cameras and just head out and do it on the spot...

Can't Tell Me Nothing

Aside from appearing with all sorts of other people (incl. great early work in The Palace Brothers and Palace Music, collaborations with Matt Sweeney as 'Superwolf' and an album w/ Tortoise) Will also has a bunch of his own albums worth checking out (often under his Bonnie 'Prince' Billy monicker). His music is an interestingly alternative take on very grassroots folk, country and blues styles... a sampler:

          I Am Goodbye            I See A Darkness             Nomadic Revery (All Around)

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