Monday, October 15, 2012

Photos #3 cont. - Hue Part Deux!!!

Ok back into the interesting stuff now, as I continue to do battle with this stupid blog that won't let me arrange photos how I want them... Another day in Hue, and a walk to the Citadel and old city...

First off though, awaking to the sound of dozens of local river boats chugging up the river to a local festival (the view from our room, looking out toward the Citadel)

 Images of the Citadel and Forbidden Purple City... as I complained about last time, they continue to rebuild the ancient city over the top of the original ruins... good perhaps for attracting tourists, but a terrible waste of real archaeology and history... something many parts of Asia haven't grasped yet

      Too cute - for a few $ you too can be a princess for a few minutes

Even fewer bullet holes to be found than last time (I am guessing these are .50 Cal), with most plastered or built over. Almost no reference to the great battles that have raged around the area, with the wars that defined the country slowly being wiped from much of the history (especially the US victories it would seem)

Beating our own hasty retreat as the rains sweep down from the hills... a brisk walk back to the hotel after another hot day out

Last dose of luxury for a little while... cocktails in the warm evening air and an amazing dinner (beef carpacio entree)

And of course hanging with the locals while finishing the night with a few more drinks in the garden

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