Thursday, October 18, 2012

Photos #6 - Phnom Penh

Early morning bus to the border and then on into Cambodia... and across to the capital... much more heat, much more wandering

(Left) Thunderhead rising - the view from Moon Bar atop a riverside hotel        (Right) National Museum

Popcorn - popular...

S-21: the most infamous of nearly 200 Pol Pot regime "prisons"... a converted school in central Phnom Penh. 12-15,000 'enemies of the state' including travellers and foreign journalists, but mostly local Cambodians, are estimated to have passed through its doors, many to be tortured and killed. Among the more disturbing relics of the Genocide Museum, the signed 'confession' of NZ yachtie Kerry Hamill (brother of rower Rob) who accidentally sailed into local waters in 1978 and was tortured and murdered as a 'foreign spy'.

 (Above and below) View from the top floor of the Foreign Correspondent's Club, our bar of choice in the Cambodian Capital... note to self, the Phnom Penh FCC is a nice classy bar but jandals and shorts are fine... the one in Siem Reap is a fancy fancy hotel and restaurant, and jandals and shorts may make you look like grubby backpacker scum

My spiritual home in Cambodia... Citadel Knives... sadly didn't have time to go to the workshop out by the airport, but looks like an awesome place for a daytrip. The lady was kind enough to take a bunch of my money though.

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