Monday, October 22, 2012

Photos #7 - MONKEY FIGHT!!!

Siem Reap and such later... the most incredible ancient temple complex in the world is well and good, but nothing beats a monkey fight... nothing...

All starts off quiet, just another morning for the monkeys, hanging at their enormous temple... it's been raining a bit, and there are not enough tourists around yet to bother going and starting to steal their stuff

Oh wait, look, there's some... Monkeys come to say hi

But it's still pretty quiet. What to do... Monkey does some stuff with water

Monkey thinks deeply about water. Water is interesting.

Other monkey is like "I did that with water yesterday"

Monkey on a ledge is like "Man, nothing is going to happen today..."

But then everything changes...  some other monkey turns up, and sh!t gets real...

Words are exchanged...

Suggestions are offered...

Differences of opinion are expressed

Negotiations break down...

And it's ON!!...
After this it all just turned into a flurry of teeth and fur and shrieking until a ball of four monkeys just clean rolled off the side of the temple and fell about ten feet into a puddle, where they kept on brawling... the poor guy at the centre of it all got bitten and scratched up pretty good, but he did get away relatively intact

Here is a graphical representation of the incident as carved by some anciet Khmers:

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