Sunday, November 9, 2008

And I'm back...

Enough walking for one day, saw most of the markets last night, and really, apart from the food, an asian market is an asian market is an asian market... so I am giving myself a quiet night. It's half ten here and I don't speak any of the languages on tv so the internet is the next best thing. Outside there are horns blaring as people try and navigate the way around the closed market streets, which are one block over. The window is open and the exhaust fumes are festively toxic. My guesthouse owner, who shall hereby be known as Mr YodaMiyagi, recommended a food place that I couldn't find, so I ate from the stalls here and there, and man it was goooood... I couldn't for the life of me name a single thing I ate, but it sure was tasty. There was some pork and some fish involved in some of it... that's about all I can tell you.

Next to me Mr YodaMiyagi's little son, or grandson or something, is playing the same Pokemon-on-acid type computer game he has been playing all night. On the couch next to him, his father, or big brother, or something, is playing the same thing. It has one of those constantly looping soundtracks that make you want to wring little necks. Ah technology.

What else to tell... I think I just started getting bitten by mosquitoes... hopefully the brain eating parasites I picked up from the food stalls will kill the malaria... or catch the malaria also and die. A mate of mine had malaria a few years back, it is apparently uncool. But better than brain-dwelling parasites, which we heard stories of some Aussie catching before we went on my last trip to the tropics. They live and grow in your head and they can't get them out and they eventually make you go mad before you die an agonising death. They have some really cool photos of that stuff.

Looking forward to getting back on the road. After KL I think I will head north fairly briskly for a while. Just have to get up for the bus. And deal with taxi drivers again. I hate them at the best of times so it makes it more fun when ten of them are yelling at you at the same time.

Anyway... Melaka has been good. After Johor Baru I needed something to pick the old enthusiasm back up and this has done the trick. But the journey is the key, not the places in between. Onward and northward.

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