Saturday, November 1, 2008

Getting there...

slowly... ok we are now one day out, considering I likely won't get much sleep tomorrow night... and have to be at the airport at... what is it?.. 2am??? Monday... ugh... Why does everyone laugh when I say I am flying Royal Brunei??... Ok... I know why...

Thanks to all who I have managed to catch up with before I head off... and to the kids out west for a good Halloween party last night!! Sorry to those I haven't seen, it's only when you go away you realise how long it has been since you saw people. Not good. But thanks to all for all the best wishes and messages etc, much big ups to all who have helped me out in various ways and to everyone for the tips and advice etc etc. I am not going to name names but you all know who you are... Anyway I will be back before you know it. Right now must head home and get to packing and sorting and etc etc etc

Take it easy all

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