Monday, November 10, 2008

So it's midnight here...

I walked back in a bit earlier into this little place to see three people reading, and about four watching a movie on tv... we are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, outside the place is thronging with activity, and these people are watching television ("... the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and spreading radiation")... anyway, I just had a pretty damn good clay pot pork belly from the food market one street over, although I have to admit it did get me sweating again, with at least half a full chilli per forkful... it has quietened down next door, earlier a crowd had amassed to watch 'the beautiful game' on the tv, or whatever gayball is called in Malaysian.

Sounds like the weather is bad to the north, one of the girls was saying they had to leave as they are closing the resorts down... will see how we go. The rains here are not bad, heavy but patchy, with plenty of fine in between. Hopefully tomorrow is good at least, so I can get in what I want to do in KL. I have to get to sleep first, my sleeping patterns are a mess.

Some Aussie is at the counter, his mate stuffed up his booking and there are no beds... the nice lady who runs the place is ringing around everywhere trying to find somewhere for him... I was feeling slightly guilty about my private room with three beds, but then listening I determined he was an ass so I have decided he can offer himself up to the dark streets of KL... we can't just run around helping Australians now can we? What kind of world would we live in?

Oh and for the record, the above OMR (Obscure Musical Reference) is from 'Television, Drug of the Nation' by Disposable Heroes of Hiphorisy. So there. Youtube it.

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